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ROOOGA盼伴茶禮-Tea Visual Identity Design

Package Design
漉漉茶事-盼伴茶禮以台灣土地之情與東方茶禮文化作為靈感,傳達「生生不息得茶香,牽縈著長情的珍伴」為視覺核心出發,營造出連綿詩意的情感氛圍,以環環相扣的 " ROOOGA " 的書寫體,展現如同茶香連綿纏繞,連結著彼此的羈絆與美好,與大地共同循環善意,最終匯聚成一杯歷久彌新的好茶;這份茶禮,主要由初漉-一口初嚐、湘漉-倆相對飲、藏漉-三生有幸 伴你入藏作為組合,運用茶品獨特的功用與品質種類的不同,對應傳遞喝茶的祝福之意,以茶葉在善意循環中萌芽,在沖泡中飄香四溢,最後隨著祝福、歡熱彼此共飲,並透過字母的R"OOO"GA 創造連續的故事主題,用一杯茶滋養著自我心靈,用兩杯茶暢談彼此情誼,用三杯茶探索人生真理。

Inspired by the sentiment of Taiwan's land and the culture of Eastern tea ceremonies, "RooGa Tea Ceremony - Anticipating Tea Companionship" conveys the visual core of "endless tea fragrance, entwined with enduring companionship." It creates a continuous and poetic emotional atmosphere. The intertwined letters "ROOOGA" in the logo symbolize the lingering and connecting essence of tea fragrance, representing the bonds and beauty between people. It also signifies the goodwill that circulates harmoniously with the earth, ultimately converging into a cup of timeless and rejuvenating tea.

HI RO  初漉

First Sip, HI RO, the Essence Awakens A sip that washes away drowsiness, filling the air with a refreshing clarity of thoughts.
Tasting the essence of raw tea, like the budding of spring, awakening the taste buds. Cleansing away lethargy, leaving the mind clear and the spirits uplifted.

ON ROO  湘漉

Sip in Harmony, ON ROO, the Serene Infusion A harmonious sip that soothes the spirit, with its rich and mellow warmth aiding restful sleep.
Sharing the indulgence of Black Golden Dragon, with tea aroma swirling, minds intertwine. A tranquil journey through the heart and soul, soaring through misty mountains and flowing waters, chasing dreams.


Fortunate Encounter, BE ROOO, the Hidden Elixir Three sips to attain enlightenment, as you delve into the aged wisdom stored within the vessel.
Savoring the infused Oolong, where tea aroma lingers, revealing the depth of its aged essence. Embracing liberation from worries, finding profound truth through the refined brew.

Visual Design Agency | Zerodeisgn 有物設計
Visual Design | Fred Chao
Package Design | Fred Chao
Web Design | Fred Chao、Sara.C
Brand Planning | May Tsai、Annabel
Market Analysis | May Tsai、Annabel
Brand Marketing | Wendy、Annabel
Photography Plan | Fred Chao
Food Photographer | 福克斯
Photographer | Fred Chao、A Hong
Clent | ROOOGA TEA 漉漉茶事
Date | 2022

ROOOGA盼伴茶禮-Tea Visual Identity Design

ROOOGA盼伴茶禮-Tea Visual Identity Design

Inspired by the sentiment of Taiwan's land and the culture of Eastern tea ceremonies, "RooGa Tea Ceremony - Anticipating Tea Companionship" conve Read More
